Thursday, May 19, 2011


Each time I do one of these external interface things, I wrestle with the finalization problem. I have to deal with it in Cairo. In Pango. I'm currently working on Uniscribe interface, and have worked on CoreText interface. They all have this same pattern. Some external structure or opaque pointer which the library either initializes or creates for you, some functions that take the structure or opaque pointer and make stuff happen with it, and some function that frees the same. It's not enough to just use the free() interface that C provides.

The common pattern, on the Smalltalk side is that you have sort of Smalltalk object that acts as a front (facade) for your external structure/opaque pointer. And the interesting part becomes how do I make it so that when I don't need the Smalltalk object anymore, and the wonderful garbage collector makes life easy for me, erasing it from existence, that the related external resources are let go via that appropriate release/free C function.

In some part, I tried to deal with this in the Weaklings package, but the pattern is to "built on top" of the idea of weak slots. And it leaves part of the job to the programmer. Boris Popov tried to fix it in his version 18.1, but I resisted it, because it fundamentally changed the API.

I had yet another go at this in the recent ExRegex package. I don't know if this is the right solution yet, but I like it best so far. What I want is a nice simple uncomplicated, not bound up in other subclasses or frameworks, way to indicate that when an object is ready to go away, some arbitrary action happens.

The class FinalizeAction in that package, was my solution. It's a simple #ephemeron behavior (nothing to do with the ill named Ephemeron class). The ephemeral slot (the first instance variable of the an #ephemeron type object) is a reference to the object you wish to perform finalization services for. And it's other instance variable, is action. Which can be any object that responds to #value:, things like Blocks, or MessageChannels. Or even Symbols if you're using newer versions of VisualWorks (or load the simplest of all packages, SymbolValue, in older versions). What I liked about FinalizeAction was that it solved my problem with 1 class, 2 instance variables, 2 class variables, and 8 methods. Not bad. I like small solutions.

So here's some simple examples:

| b |
b := Pixmap extent: 10 @ 10.
(FinalizeAction for: b)
action: (MessageChannel new receiver: Transcript selector: #print:)

Block (note we're using a zero arg block which demonstrates we're actually using the cull: API)
| d |
d := ByteArray new: 100000.
(FinalizeAction for: d)
action: [ObjectMemory current spaceSummaryOn: Transcript]

Simple Unary Message Send
| f |
f := 'howdy.txt' asFilename.
(FinalizeAction for: f) action: #out

FinalizeActions have an instance registry to keep them alive until they fire. I have sought and sought for a scheme that doesn't involve some sort of registry. I thought I had one in the early part of the ExRegex spike, until the basic invariant of #ephemeron based finalization sunk in:

You have to guarantee that your finalizer will stay alive longer than the object its performing services for, and without some sort of other path back to the roots of the garbage collector, there is no way to do that.

I'm ruminating on where to go with this. Fold it into the Weaklings package? Or just clone it when I need it (given it's small size)? I'm also curious if the basic use API (as shown in the examples above) couldn't use some work to make it seem more natural. Putting a helper on Object would of course make things simpler, but I do try to keep this to a minimum.

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